More and more countries across the world are adopting chess as compulsory learning in their school systems. In a recent address by KZN Education MEC Peggy Nkonyeni she stated "That chess lessons could be offered to all mathematics learners in order to improve their mathematical skills;"
Many international studies have proved that regularly playing chess significantly improves children's numeracy and language skills and raises IQ levels. A recent study conducted by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers in the UK suggests that chess should be compulsory in the learning curriculum for children from the age of seven. The study also revealed that most private schools in the UK and Europe offer chess, placing children in public schools in the UK at a disadvantage.
In February 2015 Spain adopted chess as a compulsory school subject following the example of Armenia. Many countries like India and the Nordic countries actively promote playing chess in schools through government funded programmes.
Is chess going to be compulsory in South African schools, who knows? Should it be a compulsory school subject in our schools? Absolutely!